
Glen Cove Timebank


Timebanking is a time-based currency. Give one hour of service to another and receive one time credit. One can use the credits to receive services.

An hour of service is always one time credit regardless of the nature of the service performed.

“Equal Time, Equal Value”: An hour of one person’s time is directly equivalent to another person’s hour.

  • The first TimeBank within Nassau County, partnering with Hofstra University’s Department of Health Professions
  • Organizations and individuals signing up for a membership can provide and receive services using a “time credit”
  • Even during this pandemic, Glen Cove TimeBank will offer social distancing and remote services that people can participate in!
What to expect while applying to the Glen Cove TimeBank?
1. Application Form (Individuals/Organizations)
2. Screening
  • References
  • Interview
3. Orientation
SCREENING – References
1. Each applicant must provide two personal references from individuals 21 years of age or older.
2. Each personal reference, received by either written form or phone contact, should give an overall rating (see below) on the applicant during the reference check . The rating score will be confidential.
  • On a scale of 5 (1 being not recommended at all, 5 being highly recommended), how would you recommend this person to the TimeBank program?
3. References will be contacted approximately one week after submitting the application and their responses will be reviewed.
SCREENING – Interview
1. All applicants must complete an interview, which will be conducted by the Coordinator. The Coordinator will check the application-related materials prior to the interview for any missing, unclear, or inconsistent information to address in the interview.
2. Any questions regarding TimeBank can be clarified during the interview.


Applicants will be notified about the application result in approximately two weeks after submitting the application.
SCREENING – Orientation
1. All newly enrolled Glen Cove TimeBank members (individuals and organizations) are required to attend the orientation.
2. At the end of orientation, each TimeBank member is required to sign that they have been notified of and will abide by the TimeBank Policies and Procedures.
3. Failure to attend the orientation or complete this acknowledgement will preclude the member from participating in exchanges or other events.
4. Orientation session will be held online or in-person.

Policies and Procedures Acknowledgement Hold Harmless Agreement